Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas is coming the Geese are getting Fat

Ok Family - Its time to talk Turkey

Here are the Plans for the next two months. Mother Bear and all others please add to the things I have missed

1. Thanksgiving - It is Mesa TIME! Roll call:
Jodi, Carson, Brynley and Dean will be driving down Tuesday night, staying in LaVerkin that night and arriving in Mesa on Wednedsay in time to make pie, pick up Shaylee from the Airport, make saltless muffins, help with preparations for Thursday and whatever else Grandma says!
Troy and Marissa are trying to get work off...stay tuned
Ryan, Katherine, and kids, Kyle and Emily will not be able to join us down south this year.
Mom and Dad have not reported their travel plans to me. Please do so soon on the blog.

2. I have a condo that is available called Wintergreen Condominiums... located near Park City. I have these reservations from December 4 until the 11th. If the family can make it please let me know. If not I will have a part their for some of my Bonko friends. Please post a comment on this post below and if enough can make it, I'll make some fun plans for us while we are there.

3. Sibling Presents - Last year we were able to have a lot of kids for Christmas. It was cool to do this with our family. I am proposing we do this again instead of Sibling Presents. So my suggestion is Each Family give $45.00 into the pot. We can arrange a day to go shopping that works for most people. If we all give $45.00, Brynley thinks we can help out two families that will need it this christmas (through her work).

4. For Christmas Morning, I think it would still be fun to open sibling presents from each other, but we won't spend a ton of money... so I think we have a pot of presents. For every adult member of the family bring one present that we will put into a pot and everyone will get one to open on Christmas morning (or whenever we all meet up). So make it fun, and you can spend little to no money on this, just it would be fun to see what we can all come up with.

5. Poll party is on the 23rd as always and our Parents are in charge this year so we all get to help out more than usual. Mom has requested we all bring some food and we all have assignments to help set up. This is a Wednesday night so plan accordingly. (if I seem a little bossy, you'll have to forgive me...I'm currently out of a job and need something to plan)

6. Marler party...Mom has this been planned? Do we have a date on this?

7. Ryan, when is your Raymond James open house?

8. Kyle and Emily - will you post your schedule for when you are coming and going and when we will get time to see you. If you have open nights it would be good to know so we can make the most of your time while you are here.

Ok, that is all for now. Please update and add anything you can to this so we can have a complete holiday schedule and we can all make plans in our individual lives.

Love you family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jodi- We could make it for part of each day, but it doesn't look like we could be there any of one of the day ALL day (except Sunday for me). Friday evening the 4th is good, but we have Ward party Sat a.m. I have to decorate for. Party on the evening on the 5th. Sunday open. Mon-Thur- work, but I could come Tues, Wed or Thur evening. Monday evening, the 7th, is the Poll adult party. If there was a day or two that everyone could make it in the week, I could get off. That's my story. Love you