Sunday, September 21, 2008

New York, New Yoooooorrrrrrrkk!!! (KP)

Okay Folks, it’s time for a real update. I know you’ve all been anxiously awaiting a few words from your long lost middle-child brother, so, here it comes!

First of all, I want to thank all of you who had a part in my surprise birthday/going away party. It was so much fun seeing some of those people that mean so much to me. I love you all so much. I’ve talked to most of you since I’ve been out here, but I’ll give a recap of what’s been going on this month for those who I haven’t updated.

I HEART NY. I do, and I even own the shirt to prove it. Okay, I don’t own the shirt, but I used to have one that I got from Savers and I tie dyed it. I’m not sure what ever happened to that shirt. Anyway, back to business. I’ve been here in the city for three weeks now. So far I’ve really enjoyed it. I’m starting to get busy and sink my teeth in at work so that’s kind of exciting. There’s so much to do and so much to learn that it’s kind of overwhelming sometimes.

For those of you who don’t know or who might be wondering, I work for American Express. Okay, really though, you might not know what I’m doing. I work for a small finance group that supports our Global Advertising and Brand Management (GABM) division. So basically all of the American Express ads that you see on TV, newspapers, magazines, online, etc., and all of the sponsorship stuff like the PGA, the US Open, Fashion Shows, and other stuff like that, that’s what this GABM group does. So as exciting as this might sound, you might think that I get to go to these PGA and US Open events, and hang with the celebrities that you see on the commercials like Jerry Seinfeld, Beyonce, Ellen DeGeneres, Tina Fey, and the rest of those folks. Well…….you’re right, Jerry is always hanging out in my cube trying to be funny and I’m like, “I’m Working here!”

Okay, really, obviously that’s not the case. What our group does is to do exciting stuff like making sure they’re paying their invoices correctly and on time, calculating the bonuses we give to the Advertising Agencies, checking up on compliance issues, reading contracts to make sure that people are using money correctly, helping decide policies for how we distribute tickets to all of the events that we have tickets for, moving money around from department to department, and more exciting things like that. I know, you’re all jealous.

Okay, enough about work, let’s talk about the rest of my life. My roommates are great guys. I was a little worried at first because I didn’t really know them and we are all very different, but as it turns out, they’re all great. Kyle Baughan works for Amex too, Preston Thomas worked for Lehman Bros. and now works for Barclay’s (who just bought parts of Lehman) for the time being, and Nathan, my actual roommate is a law student at Columbia. We get along great and our house is pretty nice. Along those lines, we actually have a really big living space with two fold out beds, if anyone ever wants to visit, there’s room in the inn.

As far as my everyday here, I usually get up around 6am. I take the subway down to work and usually get there a little before 7. There’s a gym at our building, so I just workout in the morning and shower there. It’s great. I usually start work at 8 or 8:30. I usually take off around 6 pm and get home around 7 pm. I brought my bike and I’m so glad I did. It’s been so helpful and convenient. Plus, it’s really cool seeing the city from on top of the streets, instead of under them on the subway. On the first two Saturdays I went to the church to play basketball in the morning. Yesterday I went to these awesome soccer fields and played soccer. It’s great living right next to Central Park. They’re renovating the chapel on the west side so we all have to go to the chapel on the east side. I walk through the park and stop on the way for some great Sunday reading. We’ve had the sisters over several times for discussions with an investigator. His name is Michael and I think he’ll get baptized in October. We’re doing another discussion on Tuesday with a guy named Kentor, he’s great too. I love being a part of the missionary work. It’s so refreshing being out here where there’s so many opportunities to serve.

Okay, so you might want to know what’s going on with Emily. I’ll be brief. I know this has been a long post, and I’m guessing some have not made it this far. Anyway, things are good. We had a lot of fun on our “across the country” trip and we’ve decided that we’re just gonna date each other for the time being. We talk on the phone every day and there’s even talk of her moving out here which is encouraging, but by no means a sure thing. We’ll just play it day by day and see what happens.

Well, this may be the longest post this little pollswww has ever seen so I’ll cut it off right now. I’m very excited to see all of you and I miss you and love you so much!



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