Monday, May 11, 2009

Day after Mother's Day-DAD

Just a quick note to express thanks to all in our family. Thanks for helping me commemorate the beginning of my 60th year in that short little 10 day celebration. I am willing to use any occasion and stretch it to the max to get the family together. I loved Mother's Day yesterday. I also love the mothers in my life. I am so thankful for such nearly perfect ladies as my own mother and my favorite mother-in-law. I truly feel that there is no more sacred calling on this earth than that of "mother." I so love and appreciate the mother of our children and my eternal companion. There has to be a special place in heaven for someone so wonderful signing in to be with me forever. I love her for her goodness, her unbelievable energy, and her ability to get things done. Marrying her is the best decision of my life. I am grateful for the excellent mothers of our grandchildren. Happy day after Mother's Day to all.
But, the most exciting news of the day is the upcoming wedding of my baby girl. Welcome to the family Uncle Dean! I thought that the ring on the finger yesterday or something made Brynley even more beautiful. How I love that girl! The next 2 months will go by oh so fast. There is so much to do and so much of the time is already committed. We will all need to chip in. Even me.
I love and appreciate all of you. I hope that Ryan and Kyle get feeling better fast.

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