Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tough post to follow-rp

After reading the post of Brynley, I'm thinking that a trip to Hawaii might need to be on my "to do" list over the next 10 or so years. The details were so great, it was if I went as well. I'm glad that her "scare" is somewhat under control and that she was able to have a great time.

I'm actually a little purturbed right now, as I almost finished a masterpiece (for me at least) blog. Sure enough, the power flickered long enough to send everything down the drain. I'm glad I didn't say out loud the words I was thinking.

As I look at the family, quite a bit of good is happening. We went to see Troy inagurated at Weber State. He did a great job. We also went to see Kyle's graduation at BYU. He did a great job with that. We're heard about Brynley's experiences. We love to see Matt and Jodi, because they always bring Carson with them. That Carson puts an instant smile on the face of whoever is holding him. He's quite the kid. We've experienced the completion of Mom/Dad's party basement. So congrats to all of you for all of the good things you're doing.

As for our family, there really is not a lot of new things to report. Our house is slowly creeping along. The painter told me that he'd be done by Friday and the stucco guys are working hard as well. Kath has done just a marvelous job with all of the issues and decisions that go along with completing a custom made home. The good news is that the our current living situation with the Loos' has worked out well, which can afford us to be a little more patient that we would be.

Spencer and Abby continue to grow right before our eyes. We've taken out the motorized Jeep that they received for Christmas. Both do a pretty good job of driving that. I took them hiking this past Saturday up by Fernwood. Spencer just loved throwing the rocks in the river. As we continued to hike, he picked up as many rocks as he could hold and kept them until we returned back to the river to throw them into the water. I told him that there would be rocks by the river, but he didn't want to pass up a good rock or six on the trail. That kid is 100% boy.

Abby is 4 going on 14. This past Sunday, she was playing catch with a baseball with her uncle Dave and his friend. The goal was to teach her how to not "throw like a girl". Well, of course, I hurried over there to give my two cents worth about that subject. Once I started to give to basic instruction, she promptly let me know that she wouldn't be taking any advice for your old man and that she already knows how to do it. And I thought, "here we go, and she's only 4!"

Well, I must be off doing my other work, but wanted to chime in(now for the second time).

Love you all,

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