Sunday, August 26, 2007

Anybody, I'm here.

Gma & ibmom

Dear anybody,
Where are you? This is not going to work unless we all post. Oh dear I make so many typing errors and this doesn't pick it up. Had a good day today. Went to Sacrament Mtg. and R.S. Came home and had a good dinner of spare ribs and applesauce, cottage cheese and corn. I have to have it all soft because I've had all my teeth removed and they will put implants on the bottom. It's sore and tender. But this too will pass. And oh yes, the diamondbacks just barely squeeked past the Chicago cubs 5-4. The Branch President came right to our house to issue our new recommends. I'm glad to hear Kyle got home. Want to hear more about the loss of his luggage etc. Talked with Cory this afternoon. He is anxious to get home and will be here next Fri. I heard that Ronda arranged a Marler family party at her house on the 9th. Wish I could be there. Dad's in there fixing me some cantalope ala mode and Jeff is planning to fly to Utah for Sally's son's wedding next Thurs. Love ya all. ibm & gma

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