Monday, August 20, 2007

Thanks a million for everybody's help!!

Hello family of mine,
It's just another manic Monday around here, but I wanted to take a couple of minutes to thank all those who helped make last weekend a success for our family.

We closed on our house Friday and moved out Saturday. And there were many who helped make that possible. Thanks to Brynley for coming to help early before her volleyball. Thanks to Mom and Troy for being such good packers into the storage shed. Thanks to Matt and Jodi for clearing a huge space in their house so we can store more of our stuff. Thanks to Dad and Mom for staying afterwards and helping to clean the house. Also thanks to Mom and Dad for taking the two grandkids Saturday afternoon to LaGoon. They even got Spencer to ride all of the rides. Amazing. And thanks for my in-laws who are allowing us to move into their basement apartment for the next several months while we wait for the new house to be built.

Besides moving, it was a crazy week as the financial markets have been in disarray for the last little while. It definitely adds some excitement to my days and weeks when we're in this type of market, but it sure helps that I don't invest my client's money too aggressively which helps minimize the damage.

And to answer Grandma's question......I'm still in the Young Single Adult ward. Most likely, a new bishopric will be called in the next 60 days or so. Hence, I'll stay there until a new bishop is called and then will leave. Kath and the kids most likely will attend church for the next several months with her mother because of convenience issues.

It's always hard to leave a place that we've loved so much, but we're excited about the new opportunities that await us. Thanks again to everyone who helped make last weekend a success for us.

Love you all,

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