Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Biggest, Bluest, Best Lake in the world


Oh, what a week! It turns out that reality isn't nearly as cool as a week long vacation with my family in Bear Lake. It was a great time I had for the long while that I spent there. I got to go a few days early and spend them with the Hillyard family and enjoy their company. Since none of the Hillyards can get into our blog I will just say that our family is much cooler. I did enjoy my time I spent with both families quite a bit and it is now good for me to be back here in the real world mix. On the way home Brynley and I saw about a dozen deer just off the road, but we didn't hit any of them so that was a good thing. It was really fun to spend some QT with my family and remember how fun and funny that we are. Of course we missed Kyle, but we did get Grandma. She is the best!
Now that I am back in town I am just working again getting ready for school to start up and trying to save a little money as well. I just started a new job working mornings in SLC doing some concrete work just off S. Temple. I will be there until school starts where I will just do the school and Registrar thing come Aug 27th. That is all for this week for me.

Love Yall

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