Sunday, March 30, 2008

Carson and GG & GGpa...the sweetest thing

This trip could not be more fun. Look how fun we are all having. Below is Carson and Grandpa sharing a great joke. They are laughing together. How fun is that. Grandma (GG) gives the best kisses and she feeds Carson. Oh look how great they are together.
Cousins...look how cute...only two months apart. They were fun to see. That cute little cubba wubba girl and little Carson Lee holding hands...or so it seems...
Here is uncle Jeff, and look at Chuck...he hit Carson's funny bone because everytime he saw Chuck he just laughed and laughed. It was so cute.

The two Carson's. Ok, so Carson Sr. was not thrilled to hold a different baby, but hey for a picture...might as well... And so it goes. I fly home tomorrow. I hear its cold. Yuk. I like this warm stuff down here. Guess its another reason to head back.

1 comment:

Kerby Family said...

chuck was thrilled usually he makes all the babies cry. It was fun seeing you Jodi. Until next time.