Monday, November 12, 2007

Next Week

Jodi -

It seems we are all counting down till Thanksgiving, and I have to say this is my favorite holiday. Grandma thanks for being so organized, we all know exactly what to do on Thanksgiving...I love it...However, I'll make pumpkin muffins for everyone if you let me set real plates out for dinner. So I'm a traditionalist, but its Thanksgiving, and I only get to eat off a pewter plate once a year!

Well last week I flew home from Kansas last trip of the year. It was fun, I was able to take my friend Kristie with me, so we had a nice girls weekend eating well, getting massages and well scrapbooking.

I leave you this week with pictures from Halloween. We had a great Halloween this year, with some fun party's and thought I would share the costumes...funny...matt showed up at the ward party...minus that jeans...yup, It was funny.

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