Sunday, December 9, 2007

ibmom & gma

Dear Family,

Just a moment to say that we got home safely from the hospital about 2:00 p.m. A miracle happened when I got home. My feet were so painful that it would take two prople to get me into the bathroom and I finally elected to use the porta pottie right by the bed. The Drs. assistant checked me put and to make sure, they took me to x-ray to get a picture. Thank heavens there weren't any breaks. Coming home I was able to get out of the car by myself. I hate being so dependent on people. Any way GPA got his old walker and adjusted it down for me. And with the help of the walker I can get around with little or no pain in my foot. So I had a big rest this afternoon. Jill and I watched Patch Adams this p.m. She won our game of Fink that we had stareeat the hospital. We finished the game as soon as we got home. Love you all so much. Thanks for letting me use your wife and mother to lighten my life.

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