Thursday, September 13, 2007


Wow, South Africa has lived up to all the hype that is for sure. I cannot beleive some of the things we have seen and what an experience it has been. First of all the people that all came from America...the other scrpabook teachers...well we could not have a better group. It will be great to still get to see them three times a year a tradeshows...they are all amazing people in their own way and we all have had quite fun together. Next well, just look and see. I fill in is 6 a.m. for one thing I do not know that I ever adjusted to the time change or we have been sooooo busy every day and night, that I am exhaused by the end, but always wake up bright an early...sometimes 2 am so this is good its only 6!

The elephant is Gilbert and that is the swimming pool at our hotel. Occasionally we would have to wait to go down our path to our cottage because an elephant was in the way. Don't be fooled however, these are not trained by any means...they are just wild elephant and the huts are right in their living area, so they are accustomed to people, but still very dangerous. One ranger was trampled by one and did not make it...there is a cross to remind you of that. The rangers treat the elephant with high respect as they are really one of the most dangerous animals because of their size and strength. In the afternoon one day one came right up to the back of our hut and started eating the tree. We got so close to it and took some great photos...truly amazing...

Bryn - this Grifaff is named Brynley...for you. there are so many giraffs it was amazing...and when they run... it was amazing!!

Ok, so this was the most amazing part of the trip. It was about 9pm and we drove right up to a lion kill. Yes we were in our open door landrover and just a few feet from these amazing animals. These were two brother lions and they were eating their prey. The ranger said they had been there all day and they would fight like two little brothers about who would get their share of the food. Once in a while if we made a sound they would look up at us and stare and we were like...oh hi..a lion. Nice to see you. Then they would go back to eating or just fall asleep right there on all the blood. Apparantly it is not true that the female lions do all the hunting because these guys kill their own food and eat it. A few scavenger animals were lerking around to get what was left, but they kept their distance...this is the top of the food chain for sure!

Well that is what they call the busch...I'll have more stories and you will get sick of my pictures, but those were the highlights.

We are now in Cape Town which offers and 180 degree different atmosphere. I'm sitting right now listening to the waves of the Atlantic ocean at our sea side hotel and we have been touring all over seeing the beautiful sites of this great place. We went to a restaurant that gave us traditional food and painted our face and did african dancing. We went on a tour to see Roben Island where Nelson Mandela stayed for about 28 years of his life and have been to the beach and a lot of shopping.
Must go get ready to you all soon.
Some sad news to end this. Grandpa Holbrook died yesterday morning. His viewing will be Sunday night and his funeral will be Monday day. He was an amazing man, but was very sick and is much more happy now, but it is still hard....we loved him so much. We were able to go say goodby to him before we left and are greatful for that.
Love you all family...miss you tons.
Love ME!


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