Monday, September 10, 2007


Good Monday afternoon to all. I think this is my third straight week and am hoping that I'll be the winner to pick where we eat next.

We had a memorable weekend. Friday night, Abby danced at the halftime show for Northridge High School. She was so proud of herself and was even happier when her grandmas and grandpas showed up to watch her.

Saturday was a fun morning at we celebrated Mom's B-day. My children are absolutely spoiled when they hang out with the Poll family. No wonder they always get so excited when we have a Poll festivity.

Sunday was a long day at church as I started at 8am and went until 9pm. We had a convert baptism Sunday night for a 23 yr old girl from Mexico. She speaks Spanish and English just fine, but two minutes before the baptism, asked me to confirm her a member of the church in Spanish so her mother could understand. HELLO!! As many of you know, I've haven't done anything with my Spanish since I came home, and I was just stunned when she asked me to do it. It's so bad that when someone speaks to me in Spanish, I'll just respond back in English to avoid the shame that comes from being sooooo bad. I did consent but warned her that I might need some help from others. Needless to say, I ran to a private room and asked for some serious help as there is a major gap between my Spanish and what would need to be done in order to get the confirmation done in a way that would be pleasing to all.

And then the miracle happened. I got up and was able to speak in the confirmation in a way that I haven't been able to since I returned home from Chile. No help was needed as I was able to say the things I wanted in a very clear and concise manner. I even spoke to her mother afterwards and she commented how clearly I spoke the Spanish language. Needless to say, I drove home last night with tears in my eyes as I knew that what had happened was one of the tender mercies and gifts that from time to time happen. It was one of those things that I won't ever forget.

So that's my post for the day. Hope all of my family in all parts of this great green earth are doing well.

Love ya,

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