Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So I really have nothing new to write about, but with Grandma's little plug for me for the $100 I don't dare miss a week. We are on countdowns at our house for different things. Abby is on the countdown for how many days until she gets her Kindergarten shots out as she puts it. Every morning she will wake up and say I know how many more days until I get my Kindergarten shots. It really is quite funny. She obviously doesn't remember what shots are, and I don't know whether to tell her that it will hurt a little, or just let her think we are going to do something fun, and let her find out herself. Any suggestions?
Spencer is also on the countdown until his birthday. He is so excited and likes to invite people to his birthday party. Well, we will see you all soon.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I'm lauging so hard at little Abby. So cute what they come up with. I say don't say a thing!