Monday, June 18, 2007

The Atlantic Ocean is cold.......I think

It’s been another exciting week here in the big city. I’d say the biggest event of the week was me purchasing tickets to fly to London on August 10th – August 22nd. I’m pretty darn excited about the whole deal. We’re planning on going to London, Paris, Italy, and Barcelona. It should be a blast. This weekend I went to the beach with the ward. We had some beach clean-up service deal and it was okay. We spent a few hours cleaning one beach and the plan was to go to another beach afterwards and get in the water. Well, when we showed up at the other beach, they gave us t-shirts, gloves, and more trash bags and said, “Thanks so much for coming to clean!” There were TV cameras filming us and everyone was so grateful for our help. We just didn’t have the heart to tell them that we’d been cleaning all day and we just came to hang out on the beach. So we ended up cleaning again until a storm came and we all got back on the bus. So I’ve yet to set foot in the Atlantic Ocean although I spent an entire day on its coast. It was still a pretty cool activity. Yesterday in church a guy just came for the first time. His name is Aliye and he’s coming to FHE tonight. I’m going to give him a Book of Mormon with my testimony in it. I love meeting so many people who aren’t members of the church. It’s so neat having the opportunity to stand up for who I am and what I believe. I’m meeting lots of new people and having a great experience.


I’m so grateful for my wonderful Dad and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending me to such a wonderful family with goodly parents who love the Lord. Thanks Dad for your example, your love, your commitment to us and to the Gospel. I love you more than words can express.


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