Friday, June 29, 2007

Warm off the Press


Since you guys already know about our sudden "good news" on the house selling here's a bit of the detail. Dad and I are methodically packing boxes. Right now we have that luxury, in a couple of weeks, we'll just be throwing stuff in. Our date to be out of the house is August 2nd. I have a lady committed to give her boxes to us who is unpacking as we speak and Jodi is getting us some from her work. Also, we are probably going to rent a storage shed in Centerville in the next week or so and begin moving stuff into it.

We just weren't sure if they could install satalite on top or underneath the viaduct so we are looking at some various alternatives for the viaduct or van by the river. We may move into Jodi and Matt's house. That would be great and thanks for the offer Jodi. Many others have offered, Craig, 3 people at my work and several at Dad's work. One offered her tent trailer in the back yard if we are just careful were we walk to get to it since they have a dog. We are currently checking into student housing at the UofU since I qualify as a staff and a student for this option. It would be pretty cool to walk to work. So I guess with that, we'll take a few pictures and then we'll all have the good memories of a wonderful home.

I like this blog idea. Not the pressure to get something in every week, but just whenever we have something to say. Even g'ma found some advantages when she was trying to look up Kyle's address. And if g'ma can do this, then she becomes our shining example of how it can work. Way to go on the job and the classes Bryn! Kyle, you have be awesome at informing us as to your NYC life. Keep that up. Would love to hear from the rest of you about your stuff as well.

Love you all bigger than BearLake in May.

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