Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Jersey has a state fair?


The answer is ......... yes, New Jersey does have a state fair. A group of us went on Saturday and it was pretty exciting. Incidentally, we took a few photos. So here's some other big news: If any of you have been dying to kill a few hours looking at thousands of photos of my life over the past few years, I've found a way to display them all on the internet! So, if you want to see my state fair pics or any other pictures of stuff that I've been doing, feel free to take a look: picasaweb.google.com/kylepoll .

It was a pretty exciting week. We went to the Apollo Theater on Wednesday and saw Amateur Night at the Apollo. It was a really cool experience. Also, we went to this place called the Shake Shack on Monday. It's this really popular shack in Madison Square Park that serves....guess what... you guessed it, shakes and burgers. It's overpriced and over-hyped, but I'm glad we went. I won't bore you all with all of the other stuff I've been doing, but suffice it to say that it's been a pretty great week in NYC.

Now I'll talk about Aliye. Two weeks ago, this 21 year old guy came to church on his own velition. He's a shy kid and wasn't really talking to anyone. It wasn't tough for me to see that he was a little out of place, so I started talking to him. Well, it turns out he met some senior missionaries in Portland about three years ago. They left a good impression on him and he moved to New York not too long after that. Well, a few weeks ago he decided to find a Mormon church and go to the Sunday meetings. Well, I invited him to FHE the next night and he came out. I gave him a Book of Mormon with my testimony in it and he was incredibly grateful. It’s been just over a week now and he’s read the introduction, 3 Nephi 11, Moroni’s promise, and he’s now in 1 Nephi 13 starting from the beginning. He’s really enjoying it. He came to church on Sunday and loved it and we’re having the first discussion with the sister missionaries on Wednesday. Last night he came to FHE again and we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. We had some great talks about the gospel and he’s excited to learn more and more. It has truly been a fabulous experience.

Jodi, my heart aches for you and for Matt too. I love you so much and I pray for you constantly. On the way to work this morning I was listening to a talk by Elder Wirthlin called “Sunday will Come”. He said, “We all have our Fridays, but Sunday will come.” He is, of course, referring to the Friday that the Lord was crucified and the Sunday that he was resurrected. I just want you to know that as you go through this Friday, we’re with you, we love you, and more than that, He’s with you, and He loves you. Thanks for being there for me Jode. I love you!

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