Monday, February 9, 2009

Inez Marler

Dearest Friends,

And you are our best friends. It's so good to read all your blogs. There are a few more. But Troy, where are you and Matt and Dale? This has been a good and a bad week. GPA went to the Dr. last Week and didn't pass the test. They poured 250cc of water in him and only got
125cc out. (I'm not quite sure of those amounts.) But he did say he passed only 50%. So he kept the Catheter in. I will take him tomorrow morning and hope he will be corrected with the medication. If not, they'll x-ray or scan. Jeff or our Home Teachers are going to give him a blessing tonight.

We had a wonderful Sacrament meeting yesterday. Dad hasn't been with me for over a year. I don't like to sit there alone. The gospel is true and organized so perfectly by Joseph Smith. I've been reading the D & C. I guess that's what they study in Sunday School. I miss not going to R.S. and S.S.

It's cool out there this morning. It rained a little last night, but it just reached 59 degrees by 1:15 this afternoon. The golfers are still out there.

Got to go. Love you all so much. ibmom & GMA

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