Friday, February 13, 2009


So, sorry if you get sick of me posting pictures every week, but I think it is fun to do. This week we had a couple of friends over to make Valentine cookies. So here are a few pictures.

Spencer loved to eat, more than decorate. He would say, "Mmmm this is tasty!"

So yesterday, we had a little scare where we thought I was miscarrying again. Same kind of signs as last time, but I had major pains happening where I could barely walk. I came home and called the Dr. and was told to come in as soon as possible. So Ryan and I headed to the Dr. preparing ourselves for the worst. He did an ultrasound and we saw the baby with a heartbeat still there! I can't even tell you what it was like to see that little heartbeat still beating. The explanation for it all. He said part of my placenta broke away and my uterus compensated for it by cramping down. (Sorry, this might be more information than some of you might care to know), but all and all we are still having a baby and as far as the Dr. is concerned he thought everything would be great.

Well, hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Love you all,

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