Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Magical Mystery Tour - Jodi

So Friday my boss comes to me and says...Do you want to go to England. Let me think about it yes. I want to go. I'm going about 1.5 hours away from Liverpool, so I found a train and I'm going to see the home of the Beatles. Where it all began. I'm talking to friends there and hopefully will be able to meet up with them. But if not, I'll be riding the Magical Mystery Tour bus alone and having a great time I am sure.
After that it is three days of tradeshow again. Wow I must love tradeshows.
I fly home on Wednesday and go straight to class that night.
Then Thusday I leave to Canada for a weekend of teaching classes.

Then I come home and hopefully stay for a while. I'm going to miss my little bubba. He does the cutest things every day. My favorite is when he wants to go downstairs he begins a backwards crawl even if its from across the room. So freaking cute!

Love you all family. Check out Carsons blog for the latest pics of him.

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