Sunday, March 22, 2009

DC Marathon....check. Qualified for check (KP)

So I'll be brief. I'm on a bus from DC back to NYC and my battery only has 12% left. So yesterday I ran the marathon. It was a pretty wild experience. A couple of days before running it I started to feel some chest pains that worsened when I breathed deeply. Well, the night before, the pain was quite severe. After consulting with my almost a doctor friend Dan, we decided that it wasn't heart problems and I'd be okay to run. Well I ran and the first half of the marathon I was doing fine. I was actually on pace to finish in under 3 hours. Well, then things got bad. They didn't have enough bathrooms at the start line so I didn't go before I started. So I finally found a bathroom that was a couple of hundred yards off the course. By the time I took care of that little dilemma, I never really was able to get back to where I had been before. My legs started hurting, my chest got bad, I realized that I wasn't going to qualify so I just decided that I needed to finish and not worry about the time. So that's what I did. I finished in under 4 hours (which means it took me 1 hr 30 for the first half and 2 hrs 30 min for the second half. Oh boy. Well, at least I finished.

After the marathon, things got pretty bad. My chest started hurting really bad and I finally found out that there was a doctor that was on call from the hotel I stayed at. After looking online and consulting with him, we think I have something called Chest Wall Syndrome or costochondritis. It's not serious, but it's extremely painful. Well, after spending all afternoon and night on Saturday in bed, I went to church this morning and now I'm headed back to NYC. It feels a little better now which is great news. Well, I'm almost out of battery. I'd better send this thing.

I love you all.


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